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Cupertino High School 50th Reunion Chs Class Of 1969


August 24th, 2019 5:00pm
(ending August 25th, 2019)


Double Tree Hilton
1995 So Bascom Ave , Campbell , California , 95008

ticket prices

50th Reunion event, reception, buffet dinner and more - $75.00

Invited Classes


About Event

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Recommended Hotels

DoubleTree block of rooms use code CUP for discount

50th Reunion CHS Class of 1969
Reunion Committee

Recent Photos

Cupertino High School Alumni PhotoCupertino High School Alumni PhotoCupertino High School Alumni PhotoCupertino High School Alumni Photo

Invited Classmates

Recent Comments

Karen Boyd '69 said:

This is Karen Boyd Heberling here, posting on July 22, 2019. We have 102 guests confirmed and would welcome more! Feel free to contact me through the email posted, or Stephanie Armiger via email at We have 32 days to the reunion date, and are also planning a picnic for Sunday, August 25th, from 11 am to 2:30 pm. I'm living in France, but feel free to phone Stephanie (PDT, lives in CA) at 408-981-2035.
Looking forward to hearing about your lives!
If you're unable to attend, we'd love to have you share a short bio with us to post on our slide show, so that those who are attending are able to catch up with your news. Share your email or phone number on your bio if you would like to have classmates contact you in the future!

Reunion Apparel

The class of 1969 experienced history on a regular basis: The Summer of Love, the Tet Offensive, Nixon's rise to power, The Beatles' creative peak... very few spans of time can claim to have shaped American culture as much as the late 60's, and you & your Cupertino High School classmates experienced it together.

Now as you and your fellow Pioneers prepare to enjoy retirement it's the perfect time to reunite and share where life has brought you in the last five decades. Your reunion is scheduled and AlumniClass is your spot for arranging travel plans, ordering custom Pioneers merchandise to show off your school spirit, and connect with classmates ahead of time.