June 25th, 2010
to be announced
1979, 1980
Belinda Garrison '79
Reunion Coordinator
Andre Cardinalli '80
Barbara Campbell '79
Barbara Lynom '79
Beth Franken Costaregni '80
Bruce Williams '79
Carol North '79
Carol Nowack '79
Carolyn Rausch '80
Carrie Carrie Wilson '79
Charles Reilly '80
Cheri Hoving '79
Chuck "rufus" Curry '79
Cindy Chapman '79
Cindy Mciver '79
Cindy Samborn '80
Connie Crockett '80
Connie Heinsteiin '79
Cynthia Ray '79
Cynthia Walker '79
Dana Weaver '79
Dan Fillmore '79
Dawn Brady '80
Debbie Borton '80
Debbie Bright '79
Debbie Wood '79
Debra Bassett '80
Debra Cody '79
Denise Ritucci '80
Donette Paulsen '79
Doug Patterson '80
Elizabeth Franken '80
Fred Eastwood '79
Freeman Warez '80
Gina Everman '79
Glen Hulley '79
Gregory Martin '80
Gunter Wiedemann '79
Jackie Keelor '80
Jacqueline D Wiley Wiley '79
Jacqueline Brown '80
Jacqueline Keelor '80
Janice Mays '80
Jeannie Mcloughlin '79
Jeffrey Hynes '80
Jeffrey Roberts '80
Jim Carroll '79
John Graff '79
John Mccan '79
Johnnie Kelly '79
John Steakley '79
Joseph Flyte '79
Karen Blackwell '79
Karla Ahrens '80
Kathleen Rizzo '79
Kathy Graff '80
Kathy Gray '79
Keith Zimmerman '80
Kelli Harp '80
Ken Boyer '80
Kim Grunewald '80
Laurie Gray '80
Laverne Goins '79
Lee Ann Lee Ann Mitchell '79
Lisa Parks '80
Margaret Hulton '79
Mark Lewis '79
Martin Moore '80
Michael Cooper '80
Michael Lee '79
Michelle Tyler '80
Mike Mitchell '79
Mitch Mesenburg '80
Morgan Brown '80
Nancy Moellinger '79
Patricia Marino '80
Patricia Vidal '79
Paul Brooks '80
Paul Norat '79
Randy Senter '80
Robert Strelak '79
Rodney Winkler '80
Sam Funaro '80
Sandra Burdette '80
Sandra Thompson '80
Seaborn Shepherd '80
Sharon Ahrens '80
Sharrie Clayton '80
Shelly Jackson '80
Shelly Mcmahon '80
Sheri Kamp '79
Stacy Mullen '80
Stanley Roberts '79
Stephanie Stack '79
Tammy Voignier '80
Terry Povia '80
Therese Reynolds '79
Thomas Williams '79
Timothy Panik '79
Timothy Schumacher '80
Tracy Mohr '80
Tracy Walters '80
Troy Cummings '80
Vicki Blackburn '79
Vincent Moore '79
Winston Carlee '80
Yvonne Sweetland '79