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Michelle Eernisse-villanueva (Michelle Eernisse)

Davis High School
Class of 1989

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Michelle Eernisse - Class of 1989 - Davis High School
First Name Michelle
Last Name Eernisse-villanueva
Maiden Name Eernisse
Graduation Year Class of 1989
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province CA
Country United States
Occupation Enforcement Analyst
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Hanging out with my friends and going to the Grad. Mary's house around the corner.
About Me Became certified as a Crime and Intelligence Analyst with the DOJ and taken POST certification courses. Got married to the boy next door and became a wife, mom and grandma within 24 hours of getting married.
Michelle Eernisse - Class of 1989 - Davis High School

Class of 1989 Alumni

→ Reunite with 33 class of 1989 alumni that have joined.

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Class of 1999

Kelly Stowe

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Class of 2004

Renae Dockter

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Class of 1984

Mary Bell

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Class of 1976

Susan Luff

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Class of 1975

Frederick Wiggins

Frederick Wiggins
Class of 1975

Dana Petersen

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Class of 1971

Janet Spang

Janet Spang
Class of 1964

Alisha Berthelot

Alisha Berthelot
Class of 1997

Ed Ternan

Ed Ternan
Class of 1979

Dave Kasimatis

Dave Kasimatis
Class of 1974

Jerry Johnson

Jerry Johnson
Class of 1965

Jorge Jestes

Jorge Jestes
Class of 1980

Steve Steve Napolitano

Steve Steve Napolitano
Class of 1981

Brian Pytel

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Class of 2002

Babak Djifroudi

Babak Djifroudi
Class of 1988

Barton Speckman

Barton Speckman
Class of 1980

Jeff Chen

Jeff Chen
Class of 1987

Terry Wong

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Class of 1967