Deer Park High School Class Of 1969 - 50th Reunion
July 27th, 2019
Invited Classes
About Event
Hard to believe that one year from now we will be celebrating our 50th Reunion. Several of us met last night and we have a plan for next year. The Settler's Parade and picnic will be held on July 27th, 2019. Let's plan to meet on Friday, July 26th, 5:00 pm at the Deer Park Eagles. They have a wonderful patio or air conditioned area for us to connect and visit. On Saturday, we will all be riding on a float in the Settler's Parade and then gather at the park after the parade. At 2:00, we will head up to the Divots Patio at the Deer Park Golf Course for lunch together. So save the date and check for more details in 2019. Have a great summer
The class Reunion for the Class of 1969 is only a few months away. We have class members working on a variety of projects to make our event a great one! Jackie Dingus Smith is putting together a Reunion Booklet for all of us to enjoy. She needs each of us to take a few minutes and email or mail her a paragraph or two with information you would share about yourself, your family, travels, hobbies, etc. She would also like to include a recent picture of you by yourself or with friends or family on the information page. Jackie's email is: Let's try to get her the information by the end of May. More details about the reunion will be coming your way in the next month or two. Looking forward to seeing everyone In July.
Class of 1969 - 50th Reunion
Reunion Committee
Invited Classmates
Recent Comments
Reunion Apparel
Now as you and your fellow Stags prepare to enjoy retirement it's the perfect time to reunite and share where life has brought you in the last five decades. Your reunion is scheduled and AlumniClass is your spot for arranging travel plans, ordering custom Stags merchandise to show off your school spirit, and connect with classmates ahead of time.
Dianne Gibson '69 said:
Please check your email. Registration for two days of special events for our 50th Reunion have been sent to your email.
We look forward to seeing you in July! Message me if you need additional information or have questions.
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