Gavit Class Of 1967 50 Year Reunion
June 10th, 2017
(ending June 11th, 2017)
Teibel's Restaurant
1775 US Highway 41
, Shereerville
, Indiana
, 46375
Invited Classes
About Event
Planning a picnic for Friday, June 9, 2017 for anyone living in the area or arriving before Saturday. More details to follow as the committee gets all their ducks in a row.
Roger Borroel '67 said:
Are there going to be any MORE reunions, Gavit 67-68?
Report a ProblemMary Dycus '67 said:
We are in the starting phase of organizing this reunion and are searching for interested classmates. If you plan to attend our 50 year reunion and have not yet contacted Bob Blaemire at please do so. You may also contact me, Mary Dycus Szyper at, 219-670-1965, or Rick Hochman at We have over 70 classmates that have already committed to coming. So get your names on the list now.
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