Douglas High School Alumni
Winston, Oregon (OR)
Douglas High School - Class of 1990 Alumni, Winston OR
Join 29 alumni from Douglas High School Class of 1990. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Carey Hileman
Class of 1990

Tina Morrison
Class of 1990

Connie Welch
Class of 1990

Melissa Saunders
Class of 1990

Trish Espinosa
Class of 1990

Tina Morrison
Class of 1990

Mike Knapp
Class of 1990

Brett Stclair
Class of 1990

James Slone
Class of 1990

Crystal Armstrong
Class of 1990

Craig Anderson
Class of 1990

Katrina Deal
Class of 1990

Clint Cooper
Class of 1990

Chris Chaffin
Class of 1990

Rachel Matthews
Class of 1990

Amo Olson
Class of 1990

Lola Rymel
Class of 1990

Teresa Hill
Class of 1990

Kyle Eakins
Class of 1990

Tracy Belcher
Class of 1990

Carey Hileman
Class of 1990

John Shields
Class of 1990

Lynn Withers
Class of 1990

Jennifer Quilhaugh
Class of 1990

Lena Martin
Class of 1990

Latricia Linville
Class of 1990

Joe Beamer
Class of 1990

John Nehf
Class of 1990

Holly Batson
Class of 1990
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