Downers Grove North High School Alumni

Downers Grove, Illinois (IL)

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Lucille Mandros (Lucille Mandros)

Downers Grove North High School
Class of 1997

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→ There are 77 classes, starting with the class of 1945 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Lucille
Last Name Mandros
Maiden Name Mandros
Graduation Year Class of 1997
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province IL
Country United States
Occupation General Manager
Married No
Favorite School Memory Softball
About Me College, traveled, bought a home, experienced three different jobs, spent time with family and friends
No photo uploaded

Class of 1997 Alumni

→ Reunite with 73 class of 1997 alumni that have joined.

Johanna Van Scharrel

Johanna Van Scharrel
Class of 2001

Donna Fontana

Donna Fontana
Class of 1980

Michael Breagel

Michael Breagel
Class of 1961

Bryan Repenning

Bryan Repenning
Class of 1965

Glen Wirtanen

Glen Wirtanen
Class of 1962

Alexis Michael

Alexis Michael
Class of 1998

Steve Wilson

Steve Wilson
Class of 1970

Emma Foley

Emma Foley
Class of 1990

Karen Eberle

Karen Eberle
Class of 1970

Laura Farrett

Laura Farrett
Class of 1996

Melissa Nystedt

Melissa Nystedt
Class of 2001

Akansha Bhatt

Akansha Bhatt
Class of 2016

Michelle Green

Michelle Green
Class of 1983

Carolann Neese

Carolann Neese
Class of 1974

Nicole Demario

Nicole Demario
Class of 1998

Elizabeth Lotz

Elizabeth Lotz
Class of 2004

Janna Jacobson

Janna Jacobson
Class of 1973

Margaret Lohse

Margaret Lohse
Class of 2001

Bridget Traviolia

Bridget Traviolia
Class of 1989

Gayle Dreifke

Gayle Dreifke
Class of 1984

Lisa Pave

Lisa Pave
Class of 1986

Denny Williamson

Denny Williamson
Class of 1971

Richard Keough

Richard Keough
Class of 1957

John Lackaff

John Lackaff
Class of 1997