Downingtown West High School Dhs Class Of 1973 40th Reunion
September 14th, 2013 1:00pm
Brandywine Picnic Park
690 S. Creek Rd
, West Chester
, Pennsylvania
, 19382
ticket prices
Reunion Admission (1) - $35.00
Invited Classes
About Event
You are invited to attend the DHS Class of 1973 "Picnic in the Park" 40th Class Reunion! Wear what you want, bring who you want, because you don’t want to miss this chance to hang with old friends (and make some new ones).
Food, Drinks, Music, and Recreational Activities will be available in this beautiful setting at the old Lenape Park.
Don't wait to register! Send a check payable to DHS Class of ‘73 to:
DHS Class of 1973
c/o Rose Ciarlone
850 Horseshoe Pike
Downingtown, PA 19335
Phone (610) 873-6601
Ladies: Please include your maiden name if married.
You can also purchase tickets through this site with your credit card.