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E. C. Glass High School Remembering George Gibbs And Dorothy Scott


April 19th, 2014
(ending April 20th, 2014)


Carol's Place; also Choice Hibachi

ticket prices

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About Event

There's probably no one left alive from the classes of 1941-50 who remembers George Gibbs or Dorothy or Betty Ruth Scott, but if by chance you are still alive and remember, BR & I would love to see you! I'll be burying George's ashes at Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Forest, at 2pm, and having lunch at Carol's Place, then supper at 6pm at Choice Hibachi near the mall, all on Saturday April 19. On Sunday we will be at the Easter service at the Rivermont Presbyterian Church, and having snacks afterwards at the home of my niece [BR's daughter] Prue Miller, 107 Quinlan Pl., where she will be prepared for drop-ins. It will be FUN, not dreary!

Remembering George Gibbs and Dorothy Scott
Reunion Committee

Reunion Apparel