East High School Alumni
Waterloo, Iowa (IA)
East High School - Class of 1968 Alumni, Waterloo IA
Join 25 alumni from East High School Class of 1968. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Linda Wright
Class of 1968

Jalane Hess
Class of 1968

John Hamer
Class of 1968

Anne Ann Mager
Class of 1968

Ken Stokes
Class of 1968

Pearl Abbott
Class of 1968

Alice Hofstadter
Class of 1968

Dennis Larsen
Class of 1968

Janis Mitchell
Class of 1968

Bruce Spates
Class of 1968

Debbie Posey
Class of 1968

Coleen Murphy
Class of 1968

Karen Smith
Class of 1968

Carman Smock
Class of 1968

Leon Creighton
Class of 1968

Sheryl Gillen
Class of 1968

Elizabeth Frost
Class of 1968

Eric Thomas
Class of 1968

Michael Grove
Class of 1968

Mike Seavey
Class of 1968

Susan Kafer
Class of 1968

Charlie Jacobs
Class of 1968

Rebecca Kidwell
Class of 1968

Terri Woolsey
Class of 1968

Bonnie Brumbaugh
Class of 1968
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