Eddyville-blakesburg High School Cedar Consolidated School Alumni Banquet
June 24th, 2023 10:00am
(ending June 25th, 2023)
American Legion Post 34
302 High Ave East
, Oskaloosa
, Iowa
, 52577
ticket deadline
May 15th, 2023
ticket prices
Banquet Single - $20.00
Couple - $40.00
Advance purchase - $17.00
Invited Classes
All Classes
About Event
We have never sold tickets online before. Please purchase by May 15 so the money can be used for the event. It takes 10 to 14 days for this to work.
You may drop your check off at any of the Mahaska County Bank Iowa Locations if you prefer.
Additionally, this year you will have a choice between Chicken or the usual Pork Chop. Add a note with your reservation for each ticket purchased If you would like Chicken instead of the Pork Chop.
Rod Lappin '75 said:
7 Days to get a ticket here. Will anyone do it?
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