Edwardsville High School Alumni

Edwardsville, Illinois (IL)

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Janet Schantz (Janet Vieth)

Edwardsville High School
Class of 1960

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No photo uploaded
First Name Janet
Last Name Schantz
Maiden Name Vieth
Graduation Year Class of 1960
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province IL
Country United States
Occupation Retired
Married Yes
About Me Owned 2 Dairy Queens, retired now and spend winters in Texas, summers in Illinois
No photo uploaded

Class of 1960 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 11 class of 1960 alumni that have joined.

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Nancy Steede Karnath
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Anne H

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Class of 1984

Dennis Bugg

Dennis Bugg
Class of 1984

Ben Wood

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Class of 1962

Leslie Haven

Leslie Haven
Class of 1984

Amy Sirtak

Amy Sirtak
Class of 1985

Edward Fitch

Edward Fitch
Class of 1970

Jim Tillerson

Jim Tillerson
Class of 1978

Angela Soto

Angela Soto
Class of 1982

Jim Neumann

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Class of 1975

Bill Stullken

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Class of 1967

Colleen Munzert Nelson

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Class of 1963

George Talick

George Talick
Class of 1981

Douglas Mcbrayer

Douglas Mcbrayer
Class of 1987

Gary Johnson

Gary Johnson
Class of 1990

Dawn Perotti

Dawn Perotti
Class of 1983

Mike Noeltner

Mike Noeltner
Class of 1986

Kenneth Lewis

Kenneth Lewis
Class of 1978

Tamara Kelley

Tamara Kelley
Class of 2001

James (Jim) Jones

James (Jim) Jones
Class of 1970

Susan Turner

Susan Turner
Class of 1959

Nikki Shaw

Nikki Shaw
Class of 1988

Robert Lynch

Robert Lynch
Class of 1967

Gregory Becker

Gregory Becker
Class of 1996