Elizabethtown High School Alumni

Elizabethtown, Kentucky (KY)

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Kelly Smith

Elizabethtown High School
Class of 1990

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→ There are 67 classes, starting with the class of 1948 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Kelly
Last Name Smith
Graduation Year Class of 1990
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province KY
Country United States
Occupation Soldier
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory The fight between Allen McGimsey and Sean Sykes at the power station.
About Me Worked as hard as I could to be a better person.
No photo uploaded

Class of 1990 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 19 class of 1990 alumni that have joined.

Freda Adamson

Freda Adamson
Class of 1958

Kelly Knight

Kelly Knight
Class of 1982

Denita Carter

Denita Carter
Class of 1988

Sarah Ford

Sarah Ford
Class of 2003

James Redmond

James Redmond
Class of 1970

Mark Fuson

Mark Fuson
Class of 1980

Maria Smith

Maria Smith
Class of 1986

Monica Sanders

Monica Sanders
Class of 1984

Jim Johns

Jim Johns
Class of 1994

Teresa Lanham

Teresa Lanham
Class of 2003

Ike Schorr

Ike Schorr
Class of 1963

Derek Dennison

Derek Dennison
Class of 1979

Karen Ricketts-angeline

Karen Ricketts-angeline
Class of 1984

Glenn Petersen

Glenn Petersen
Class of 1998

Carol Huggins

Carol Huggins
Class of 1970

George Jefferson

George Jefferson
Class of 1980

Penny Morris

Penny Morris
Class of 1979

Danica Rose

Danica Rose
Class of 2009

Aimee Potter

Aimee Potter
Class of 1989

Sarah Waters

Sarah Waters
Class of 1989

Robert Donnelly

Robert Donnelly
Class of 1973

Jon Johnson

Jon Johnson
Class of 2006

Billy Skillman

Billy Skillman
Class of 1969

Roman Mccutchen

Roman Mccutchen
Class of 2009