Elmwood Park High School Alumni

Elmwood Park, Illinois (IL)

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Deanna Hartley

Elmwood Park High School
Class of 1990

→ Join 1944 Alumni from Elmwood Park High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 64 classes, starting with the class of 1947 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Deanna
Last Name Hartley
Graduation Year Class of 1990
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province FL
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1990 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 17 class of 1990 alumni that have joined.

John Brusveen

John Brusveen
Class of 1965

Dan Spencer

Dan Spencer
Class of 1963

Jane Albach

Jane Albach
Class of 1973

Andy George

Andy George
Class of 1970

Andrew George

Andrew George
Class of 1970

Fred Radewagen

Fred Radewagen
Class of 1962

Carole Jahnsen

Carole Jahnsen
Class of 1961

Ellen Quesnell

Ellen Quesnell
Class of 1965

Tom Barkley

Tom Barkley
Class of 1971

Anthony Petrovic

Anthony Petrovic
Class of 1997

Deb Aiello

Deb Aiello
Class of 1977

Ken Proksa

Ken Proksa
Class of 1967

Mario Palazzolo

Mario Palazzolo
Class of 1992

James Maraviglia

James Maraviglia
Class of 1972

John Manoni

John Manoni
Class of 1982

Tomasz Boltruczyk

Tomasz Boltruczyk
Class of 2004

Delilah Moreno

Delilah Moreno
Class of 2020

Frank Guzaldo

Frank Guzaldo
Class of 1989

Mark Wyshnytzky

Mark Wyshnytzky
Class of 1980

Judy Szyszka

Judy Szyszka
Class of 1980

Brett Peddie

Brett Peddie
Class of 1978

Diane Gioviano

Diane Gioviano
Class of 1970

Bruce Zumstein

Bruce Zumstein
Class of 1964

Diana Liberatore

Diana Liberatore
Class of 1971