Emporia High School Alumni

Emporia, Kansas (KS)

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Eleanor Dillard (Eleanor Guerrero)

Emporia High School
Class of 1972

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→ There are 73 classes, starting with the class of 1927 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Eleanor
Last Name Dillard
Maiden Name Guerrero
Graduation Year Class of 1972
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province KS
Country United States
Occupation A/P Manager
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Sr. Talent Show
About Me Got married, had two children. Moved to Illinoi then, Texas... Have worked ever since. Enjoying Life, my kids and Grandkids
No photo uploaded

Class of 1972 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 14 class of 1972 alumni that have joined.

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Mack Eugene
Class of 1948

Troy Dall

Troy Dall
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James Sparks

James Sparks
Class of 1983

Richard Nelson

Richard Nelson
Class of 2012

Fred Bowers

Fred Bowers
Class of 1964

Pat Dorrel

Pat Dorrel
Class of 1957

Chad Elliott

Chad Elliott
Class of 1991

Martin Davis

Martin Davis
Class of 1981

Caroline Klem

Caroline Klem
Class of 1961

Julie Hansen

Julie Hansen
Class of 1976

Reuben Breeden

Reuben Breeden
Class of 2000

Larry Hains

Larry Hains
Class of 2002

Ashleigh Badgett

Ashleigh Badgett
Class of 2002

Clint Moore

Clint Moore
Class of 1995

Debra Carter

Debra Carter
Class of 1963

Cami Whetzel

Cami Whetzel
Class of 1989

Bill Delfs

Bill Delfs
Class of 1977

Janice Ballentine

Janice Ballentine
Class of 1962

Mona Hedges

Mona Hedges
Class of 1964

Donyella Duncan

Donyella Duncan
Class of 2013

Pat Thomas

Pat Thomas
Class of 1966

Virginia Scarberry

Virginia Scarberry
Class of 1983

Rachel Banuelos

Rachel Banuelos
Class of 1997

Celinda Piper

Celinda Piper
Class of 1960