Emporia High School Alumni

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Linda Klein (Linda Ross)

Emporia High School
Class of 1975

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Linda Ross - Class of 1975 - Emporia High School
First Name Linda
Last Name Klein
Maiden Name Ross
Graduation Year Class of 1975
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province TN
Country United States
Occupation Administrative Associate
Married Divorced
Favorite School Memory Seeing Ken 'streak' through the hall with the numbers 7 & 5 painted on his butt cheeks!
About Me Lived in Germany for three years and traveled Europe during that time, married and divorced twice (finally learned my lesson!), have two wonderful kids and will be a first-time Grandmother this month.
Linda Ross - Class of 1975 - Emporia High School

Class of 1975 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 16 class of 1975 alumni that have joined.

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Tonya Davis
Class of 1989

Sundai Germann

Sundai Germann
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Walter Rowhuf

Walter Rowhuf
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Christina Shamblin

Christina Shamblin
Class of 1995

Ursula Brown

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Class of 1968

Jason Arb

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Glenn A

Glenn A
Class of 1978

Cathy Foncannon

Cathy Foncannon
Class of 1968

Bill Wilson

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Class of 1971

Tina Logan

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Class of 1991

Dan Williams

Dan Williams
Class of 1982

Warren Whinery

Warren Whinery
Class of 1979

Cami Shaw

Cami Shaw
Class of 2008

Jerrod Mai

Jerrod Mai
Class of 1999

Vance Hutcherson

Vance Hutcherson
Class of 1972

Marita Espinoza

Marita Espinoza
Class of 2008

Monica Masters

Monica Masters
Class of 1994

Anthony Wagner

Anthony Wagner
Class of 1979

Dana Harris

Dana Harris
Class of 1976

Sally Kelley

Sally Kelley
Class of 1974

Peggy Patterson

Peggy Patterson
Class of 1947

Richard Russell

Richard Russell
Class of 1958

Larry Fish

Larry Fish
Class of 1963

Andrea Baldridge

Andrea Baldridge
Class of 1968