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Englewood High School Reunión Of 1960 And 1961


October 8th, 2021 4:00pm
(ending October 9th, 2021)

Invited Classes

1960, 1961

About Event

We hope it will be adequately safe to have a 60th reunión for classes of 1960 and 1961 in October of 2021

Recent Photos

Englewood High School Alumni PhotoEnglewood High School Alumni PhotoEnglewood High School Alumni PhotoEnglewood High School Alumni Photo

Invited Classmates

Recent Comments

Helene Hanlon '60 said:

Yes, I would like to tour the school. Also consider an evening event, possibly cocktails and dinner. I enjoyed the slide show and dinner at the last '60 class reunion.


Helene Hanlon Cordray

Judy Schmidt '61 said:

Would you like to tour the school?
Would you like a one afternoon event or more options for seeing your classmates?

Reunion Apparel