Eudora High School Alumni

Eudora, Arkansas (AR)

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Myron Burgess

Eudora High School
Class of 1980

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→ There are 60 classes, starting with the class of 1925 all the way up to class of 2011.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Myron
Last Name Burgess
Graduation Year Class of 1980
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province NV
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1980 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 10 class of 1980 alumni that have joined.

Pearlie Williams

Pearlie Williams
Class of 1988

Nachele Bates

Nachele Bates
Class of 2002

Sharon Terry

Sharon Terry
Class of 1994

Ashanti Phillips

Ashanti Phillips
Class of 1990

Marlvin Drew

Marlvin Drew
Class of 1970

Danita Pride

Danita Pride
Class of 1994

Vorshayn Ware

Vorshayn Ware
Class of 2000

Jacqueline Kincade

Jacqueline Kincade
Class of 1980

Tommy Turner

Tommy Turner
Class of 1989

Mrscorella Kincade Jones

Mrscorella Kincade Jones
Class of 1988

Kenneth Durden

Kenneth Durden
Class of 1986

Demetrius Tyler

Demetrius Tyler
Class of 1993

Andre Bates

Andre Bates
Class of 1995

Sandra Edwards

Sandra Edwards
Class of 1980

Renwick Redmon

Renwick Redmon
Class of 1992

Lakevia Kincade

Lakevia Kincade
Class of 2001

Darlene Ashley Morris

Darlene Ashley Morris
Class of 1967

Willie C Heath

Willie C Heath
Class of 1967

Judith Kellebrew

Judith Kellebrew
Class of 1974

Kennis Whitaker

Kennis Whitaker
Class of 1985

Cameron Thomas

Cameron Thomas
Class of 1999

Jack Garrett

Jack Garrett
Class of 1982

Sharon Gill

Sharon Gill
Class of 1990

Tomasha Gilbert

Tomasha Gilbert
Class of 1988