Falls High School Alumni
International Falls, Minnesota (MN)
Jerry Dunbar
Falls High School
Class of 1960
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→ There are 72 classes, starting with the class of 1938 all the way up to class of 2020.
First Name | Jerry |
Last Name | Dunbar |
Graduation Year | Class of 1960 |
Gender | Male |
City | N/A |
State/Province | TX |
Country | United States |
Occupation | Retired |
Married | Yes |
Favorite School Memory | Graduation |
About Me | US Army, Married, one great son, IBM for thirty two years, traveled the world, enjoy life to the fullest. |
Class of 1960 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
Jill Bilben
Class of 1975
Mike Nilson
Class of 1975
Scott Johnston
Class of 1981
Marie Bahr
Class of 1961
Janice Desens
Class of 1957
Lonnie Butts
Class of 1995
Barrett Grundmeier
Class of 2016
Jane Mitchell
Class of 1973
Cindy Hell
Class of 1983
Sally Swendsen
Class of 1966
Tom Watson
Class of 1963
Michaelene Ericson
Class of 1975
Greg Bahr
Class of 1987
Tammie Nass
Class of 1991
Nancy Boyum
Class of 1962
Ryan Julien
Class of 2004
Sandy Taggart
Class of 1979
Gary Degerman
Class of 1973
Patrick Rosendahl
Class of 1986
Kathy Weir
Class of 1964
Darla Stromstad
Class of 1980
Dean Budde
Class of 1982
Darrell Welker
Class of 1978
Doris Hoopman
Class of 1974