Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Adam McBride
Adam McBride
Class of 2001
Marine Corps, 8 Years

Correctional Officer at Camp Pendleton, CA
Al Rusk
Al Rusk
Class of 1970
National Guard, 9 Years

Iowa Air National Guard
Arthur Kallansrud
Arthur Kallansrud
Class of 1969
Air Force, 20+ Years

Total service time 41 tears USAF and USAF Res.
Retired E6 Jan.2010 Now live in Haysville, Ks.
Arthur Kallansrud
Arthur Kallansrud
Class of 1969
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired after 41 years total service with USAF and AF Reserve
Bruce Berger
Bruce Berger
Class of 1978
National Guard, 20+ Years

Full time with US Army and Georgia Army National Guard, served in Germany, Desert Shield/Storm, Operation Comfort, Sultanate of Oman, Republic of Georgia, Hurricane Katrina, Atlanta Olympic Games, support staff to German, French Military, Ministry of Defense for the Republic of Georgia. Retired in 2006 after 25 years of service and now work as Defense Consultant.
Bruce Jochims
Bruce Jochims
Class of 1968
Army, 3 Years

Enlisted after graduating from the University of Iowa in 1972. After basic training at Ft. Jackson, SC, stationed at Ft. Benning, GA and Frankfurt, Germany.
Bruce West
Bruce West
Class of 1972
Navy, 10 Years

EM1 Electrician's Mate from 23 Aug 73-Sept 83
Class of 1980
Air Force, 1 Years

Chuck Thilges
Chuck Thilges
Class of 1984
Air Force, 20+ Years

Guam, Georgia, Germany, Indiana, South Dakota, Pennsylvania. Retired - Now VHA serving vets from all services.
Dan Renken
Dan Renken
Class of 1970
Air Force, 4 Years

Classified: Top Secret
Dan Zimmerman
Dan Zimmerman
Class of 1981
Army, 20+ Years

AH-64A/D Longbow Apache Attack Helicopter Pilot. Served in Germany, Korea, Bosnia, Albania, Fort Bragg, Fort Hood and Fort Rucker.
Daniel Zimmermann
Daniel Zimmermann
Class of 1981
Army, 20+ Years

Active Duty 23yrs, 6mo. Apache Attack Helicopter Pilot for 18 yrs. Tank mechanic for 5yrs.
Dawn Harrison Witt
Dawn Harrison Witt
Class of 1985
Air Force, 5 Years

Administrative Specialist
Dawn M. Harrison Witt
Dawn M. Harrison Witt
Class of 1985
Air Force, 5 Years

Dawn Harrison joined the Air Force in 1984 on the delayed enlistment program and was based in California after graduation.
Dawn Taylor (Merrill)
Dawn Taylor (Merrill)
Class of 1990
Marine Corps, 15 Years

I have 15 plus years with the Marines an well as a little time in the Texas National Guard. Did a tour in Desert Storm, and was slated to go for Iraq Freedom.
Dennis Mandsager
Dennis Mandsager
Class of 1964
Navy, 20+ Years

Served on active duty from 1968 to 1998 as a surface line officer and judge advocate.
Doug vinnes
Doug vinnes
Class of 1965
Army, 2 Years

Army Medical Corp WBGH Army Hospital
Evelyn Engel Martin
Evelyn Engel Martin
Class of 1961
Army, 4 Years

Was stationed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC). Trained as neuropsychometrist.
Frederick E Reese II
Frederick E Reese II
Class of 1968
Navy, 4 Years

Served 4 years aboard the USS Coral Sea. Deceased 9/30/2011. Submitted by proud sister, Anne Reese Schalinske, Class 1968.
Greg Mericle
Greg Mericle
Class of 1972
Air Force, 20 Years

Nuclear weapons tech.
James Arthur Lloyd
James Arthur Lloyd
Class of 1964
Army, 3 Years

U.S. Army Veterinary Service, food inspector in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas and Vietnam.
Jason Hamburger
Jason Hamburger
Class of 1988
Navy, 20+ Years

Recently retired as a Chief Petty Officer and moved back to Fort Dodge.
Jerome Fred Leslie Hinsch
Jerome Fred Leslie Hinsch
Class of 1959
Navy, 7 Years

2 tours of duty in Vietnam
John Baker
John Baker
Class of 1972
Air Force, 4 Years

Photo Interpreter
John Conkel
John Conkel
Class of 1968
Air Force, 20+ Years

Enlisted in 1972, commissioned in 1976. Flew over 2,000 hours on AWACS, served six years in Cheyenne Mountain, retired as a Lt Colonel in 1998.
John M. Baker
John M. Baker
Class of 1972
Air Force, 4 Years

Photo Interpretation Specialist
John Packwood
John Packwood
Class of 1990
Army, 4 Years

4 years Active Duty, Chemical Officer
Judge Roy Mater
Judge Roy Mater
Class of 1964
Marine Corps, 7 Years

USMC 64-71 2 Years in Viet Nam
Kenneth M Dorrell
Kenneth M Dorrell
Class of 1954
Navy, 20+ Years

I enlisted in the US Air Force shortly after graduation from high school. At the end of my four enlistment I enlisted in the US Navy. It was a great career. I realized my dream of being in the air. I was an aircrew man in both the Air Force (B25, F89, F94) as an electronics test tech and the Navy as an airborne aircraft electronics operator. I retired as a Chief Petty Officer and went to the University of Wyoming. Graduating as a Mechanical Engineer, I worked on military programs at China Lake, CA until retiring.
Larry E Whiting
Larry E Whiting
Class of 1974
Air Force, 9 Years

Served in the USAF in the mid 70s and the Iowa ANG with the 185th TFG back in the late 70s and into the 80s in Sioux City. I am a peace time veteran. Grade E-5/Ssgt.
Linda Williams (Smith)
Linda Williams (Smith)
Class of 1977
Army, 14 Years

Served in The US Army for 14 years. Stationed at Tripler Army Medical Center Hawaii, Fort Carson Colorado, 655 Med Com Landstul Germany, Ft Huachuca Arizona, Log Base Charlie Saudi Arabia during the 1st Gulf War.
Lloyd Schultz
Lloyd Schultz
Class of 1942
Navy, 6 Years

Enlisted in the U. S. Navy after graduation and served for the remainder of World War II. Was recalled during the Korea War.
Melissa Collins (Laird)
Melissa Collins (Laird)
Class of 1990
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Food Service Specialist
Melvin ("Mel") Weiss
Melvin ("Mel") Weiss
Class of 1955
Navy, 20+ Years

Enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served as an enlisted man (E-8) for 13-1/2 years until receiving commission as Commissioned Warrant Officer, Supply Corp. Retired after 20 years of active duty.
Michael A Murray
Michael A Murray
Class of 1996
Marine Corps, 15 Years

15 years USMC infantry man, Michael has deployed to Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. He continues to serve his country as a civilian working for the Department of Defense contractor.
Mike Hasty
Mike Hasty
Class of 1988
Marine Corps, 5 Years

Served in Desert Shield/Desert Storm.
Mike Potratz
Mike Potratz
Class of 1977
Air Force, 20+ Years

Munitions Systems Specialist
April 79 Basic Trng
Sep 79-81 Aviano Italy
81-84 Eglin - Ft. Walton Beach Fl
84-89 Lowry - Denver Co - Instructor
89-90 Kunsan Korea
90-93 MacDill - Tampa Fl
93-98 Davis-Monthan - Tucson Az - 4 Months in Kuwait
98-2001 Spangdahlem Germany - 4 Months in Italy in Support of Kosovo - Bronze Medal Recipient
2011-2004 Beale Northern Cali - Superintendent AFCOMAC School - 2 Months Supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom from Fairford England
Retired Nov 2004
Nick Napzok
Nick Napzok
Class of 1964
Navy, 4 Years

I served in the Navy from late 1964 to late 1968. Much of my time in the Navy was spent overseas in the Far East. From early 1966 to late 1968, I was on a ship that took part in many Market Time patrols in the Vietnam theater of operations.
Paul D. Gray
Paul D. Gray
Class of 1981
Army, 13 Years

Served in California, 2 stations in Germany and as an instructor at Fort Knox, KY.
Class of 1944
Navy, 2 Years

Cincpac/ Pearl Harbor & Guam

Classmates Spotlight

Fort Dodge High School Classmates

Kyla Mcmahon
Class of '00

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School News

Camp Foster reunion Sept. 2011

I missed seeing this notice. Could someone contact me about this reunion or another in the future?
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Our Fort Dodge High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Fort Dodge High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Fort Dodge are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!