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Fred Whiteside Elementary School Alumni, Camden AR

Home Of The Cardinals!

Welcome! Register as a graduate of Fred Whiteside Elementary School and reunite with old friends and classmates. Share memories by posting pictures or sharing stories of your old friends.

Recent Members

Gary Deaton 1958
Jane Braswell 1957
Jasmine Curtis 2005
John Westbrook 1954
Mark Guy 1966
Tuesdi Mclelland 1999

Military Members

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our former students that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

School News

Do you have any news to share? Keep our members informed on news and current events!

Fred Whiteside Elementary School Photos

Join in the fun and share any old Fred Whiteside Elementary School photos that you might have. Lets relive those memories!

Cardinals Wall

View, post and comment on photo's and events with your friends!

Dear Alumni, My name is Mark Guy, I attended Fred Whiteside in the mid 60's, (roughly 66-68). I am currently putting together a family history for my grandsons. I am trying to remember the name of my favorite teacher. She was both my homeroom and history teacher. As I recall, she was the first African-American teacher at Whiteside. She was a marvelous person and I want to acknowledge her contribution to both my life and education. If anyone can help me recall her name it would be greatly appreciated. Please send it to my name care of this site. Thank you sincerely.

Member Stories

High School Alumni Stores

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