Freedom Area High School Alumni

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Freedom Area High School - Class of 1995 Alumni

Join 8 alumni from Freedom Area High School Class of 1995. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Chad Ames

Chad Ames
Class of 1995

Shenark Shenark

Shenark Shenark
Class of 1995

Melanie Smith

Melanie Smith
Class of 1995

Herb Kirsop

Herb Kirsop
Class of 1995

Stephanie Jubeck

Stephanie Jubeck
Class of 1995

Kathy Frasier

Kathy Frasier
Class of 1995

Nathan Braunbeck

Nathan Braunbeck
Class of 1995

Abigail Hunt

Abigail Hunt
Class of 1995

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