Frenship High School Alumni

Wolfforth, Texas (TX)

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Wendy Reeves (Wendy Wright)

Frenship High School
Class of 1997

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No photo uploaded
First Name Wendy
Last Name Reeves
Maiden Name Wright
Graduation Year Class of 1997
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province TX
Country United States
Occupation Teacher
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Friday night football games
About Me Married my high school sweetheart, Kyle, we have a precious daughter who will be two in September, and I about to start my 7th year teaching.
No photo uploaded

Class of 1997 Alumni

→ Reunite with 114 class of 1997 alumni that have joined.

Stacia Bairrington

Stacia Bairrington
Class of 2002

Ryan Scott

Ryan Scott
Class of 2006

Bruce Wright

Bruce Wright
Class of 1976

Tabora Townsend

Tabora Townsend
Class of 1989

Martha Mitchell

Martha Mitchell
Class of 1947

Manny Grajeda

Manny Grajeda
Class of 1997

Patrick Linenberger

Patrick Linenberger
Class of 2001

Teresa Vecomnskie

Teresa Vecomnskie
Class of 1997

Katie Bea

Katie Bea
Class of 2004

Austin Allen

Austin Allen
Class of 1997

Patricia Hill

Patricia Hill
Class of 1972

Tiffany Vasquez

Tiffany Vasquez
Class of 1998

Charles Mckelvey

Charles Mckelvey
Class of 1969

Jordan Weaver

Jordan Weaver
Class of 2005

Kathy Holland

Kathy Holland
Class of 1989

Shannon Herod

Shannon Herod
Class of 1987

Jamie Michell

Jamie Michell
Class of 1987

Belvin Eddington

Belvin Eddington
Class of 1973

Julie Emery

Julie Emery
Class of 1993

Scott Swindoll

Scott Swindoll
Class of 1999

Ericka Miller

Ericka Miller
Class of 1999

Mary Aulgur

Mary Aulgur
Class of 1962

Sandi Bartsch

Sandi Bartsch
Class of 1986

Tawnya Tipton

Tawnya Tipton
Class of 1989