Garfield High School Alumni
Seattle, Washington (WA)
Garfield High School - Class of 1967 Alumni, Seattle WA
Join 14 alumni from Garfield High School Class of 1967. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Walter Louis Walter Louis Frost
Class of 1967
Tony Baxter
Class of 1967
John Gollin
Class of 1967
Kent Feldsted
Class of 1967
Danny Chotzen
Class of 1967
James Eden
Class of 1967
James Chiu
Class of 1967
Yvonne Chotzen
Class of 1967
Mittie Horton
Class of 1967
David King
Class of 1967
Peter Gilmartin
Class of 1967
Beverly Brooks
Class of 1967
David Bendicha
Class of 1967
Xenobia Sherilyn Bailey
Class of 1967
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