Germantown High School Alumni

Germantown, Wisconsin (WI)

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Mike Thompson

Germantown High School
Class of 1986

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Mike Thompson - Class of 1986 - Germantown High School
First Name Mike
Last Name Thompson
Graduation Year Class of 1986
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province WI
Country United States
Occupation pro wrestler / truck driver
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Doing the paper drives with MR. RITZ
About Me 21 years of pro wrestling
Mike Thompson - Class of 1986 - Germantown High School

Class of 1986 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 17 class of 1986 alumni that have joined.

Anders Loberg

Anders Loberg
Class of 1990

Melissa Wilson

Melissa Wilson
Class of 1990

Len Anhold

Len Anhold
Class of 1987

Kristy Imig

Kristy Imig
Class of 1998

Margaret Roberts

Margaret Roberts
Class of 1971

Drury Bagwell

Drury Bagwell
Class of 1994

Marlise Kuehn

Marlise Kuehn
Class of 1992

Kelly Sliwicki

Kelly Sliwicki
Class of 1997

Steve Stroebel

Steve Stroebel
Class of 1985

Becky Miller

Becky Miller
Class of 2010

Jan Ulrich

Jan Ulrich
Class of 1981

Dianne Morgano

Dianne Morgano
Class of 2009

Megan Flanagan

Megan Flanagan
Class of 2002

Karen Puckett

Karen Puckett
Class of 1990

Kim Steve Gierach

Kim Steve Gierach
Class of 1988

Jason Henning

Jason Henning
Class of 1997

Ed Herbert

Ed Herbert
Class of 1975

Veronica Monaco

Veronica Monaco
Class of 1985

Jane Everson

Jane Everson
Class of 1978

Emily Monfre

Emily Monfre
Class of 2011

Kathy Page

Kathy Page
Class of 1979

Luann Weddig

Luann Weddig
Class of 1973

Lew Potter

Lew Potter
Class of 1975

Kim Harrod

Kim Harrod
Class of 1999