Germantown High School Alumni

Germantown, Wisconsin (WI)

AlumniClass Home  >  Wisconsin  >  Germantown High School  >  Class of 1984  >  Sherri Pfister

Sherri Ebel (Sherri Pfister)

Germantown High School
Class of 1984

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→ There are 59 classes, starting with the class of 1942 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Sherri
Last Name Ebel
Maiden Name Pfister
Graduation Year Class of 1984
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WI
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1984 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 19 class of 1984 alumni that have joined.

Keli Newman

Keli Newman
Class of 2002

Chad Verges

Chad Verges
Class of 1991

Rick Petzke

Rick Petzke
Class of 1984

Clint Semrau

Clint Semrau
Class of 1979

Ellie Hulsbrink

Ellie Hulsbrink
Class of 2008

Kelly Stange

Kelly Stange
Class of 1998

Mike Jenior

Mike Jenior
Class of 1970

Ashley Sanders

Ashley Sanders
Class of 2004

Steven Albert

Steven Albert
Class of 1981

Debbie Gierach

Debbie Gierach
Class of 1976

Robin Crawley

Robin Crawley
Class of 1992

Michael Webster

Michael Webster
Class of 1968

Jamie Korinek

Jamie Korinek
Class of 2003

Lynn Heysek

Lynn Heysek
Class of 1973

Bridget Neitzel

Bridget Neitzel
Class of 1986

Denise Wells

Denise Wells
Class of 1976

Patrick Weber

Patrick Weber
Class of 1977

Kim Harrod

Kim Harrod
Class of 1999

Todd Talbot

Todd Talbot
Class of 1987

Linda Lentz

Linda Lentz
Class of 1980

Ginger Gillespie

Ginger Gillespie
Class of 1982

Cathy Podewils

Cathy Podewils
Class of 1976

Richard Miller

Richard Miller
Class of 1985

Andrew Steele

Andrew Steele
Class of 1999