Germantown High School Alumni

Germantown, Wisconsin (WI)

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Troy Lammert

Germantown High School
Class of 1988

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First Name Troy
Last Name Lammert
Graduation Year Class of 1988
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province WI
Country United States
Occupation Harley-Davidson
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Weekend movie parties at my house or getting into the Unicorn club.
About Me Played in bands in the tri-state area. Been on some pretty cool stages. Got married, divorced and remarried. Have 3 girls from my original marriage, one with my wife now and a step daughter from her previous marriage.
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Class of 1988 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 25 class of 1988 alumni that have joined.

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Kim Steve Gierach
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Shelly Helman

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Amy Stapelfeldt

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Rochelle Katholeen

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Garry Dent

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Ray Kosmeder

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Lori Kenney

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Class of 1984

Jeff Schmidt

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Class of 2000

Nicole Galbraith

Nicole Galbraith
Class of 2003

Christin Mueller

Christin Mueller
Class of 1994

Debra Flaherty

Debra Flaherty
Class of 1972

Kara Meyer

Kara Meyer
Class of 2012

John Fischer

John Fischer
Class of 1987

Jane Everson

Jane Everson
Class of 1978

Josephine Krueger

Josephine Krueger
Class of 2012

Shelli Shel

Shelli Shel
Class of 1985

Rick Dittloff

Rick Dittloff
Class of 1988

Mike Flaherty

Mike Flaherty
Class of 1978

Michelle Baier

Michelle Baier
Class of 1984

Andrea Stuettgen

Andrea Stuettgen
Class of 2004

Jeff Zoromski

Jeff Zoromski
Class of 1980