Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Anthony "Tony" Wray
Anthony "Tony" Wray
Class of 1963
Navy, 4 Years

1964-1968, US Navy Radioman, Vietnam Veteran,
awarder the Bronze Star.
Charles Moss
Charles Moss
Class of 1963
Navy, 4 Years

Bring the draft back!!
Darlene Adams
Darlene Adams
Class of 1977
Army, 38 Years

Non-Commission Officer to Chief Warrant Officer Five
David Allen
David Allen
Class of 1965
Army, 3 Years

Lt. MI-Served as S2 Officer for the 525 MI Group in Viet Nam 70-71.
Elisha A. Campbell
Elisha A. Campbell
Class of 2006
Air Force, 1 Years

Active duty. In Grand Forks, North Dakota as a Vehicle/Aircraft Fleet Manager
Esta Faye Rogers
Esta Faye Rogers
Class of 1976
Army, 12 Years

3rd Armor Div. Frankfurt Germandy-72 Echo Sig. Ft. Gordon Georga- OH, LA, AZ. National Guard.
Eugene W. "BO" Haynesworth
Eugene W. "BO" Haynesworth
Class of 1978
Marine Corps, 8 Years

Expert Marksman, Logistics and Supply, Heavy Equipment Operator, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare.
Evelyn (Harris) Smith
Evelyn (Harris) Smith
Class of 1966
Navy, 5 Years

Stationed in South Carolina and Texas for 5 yrs and 2 yrs more in reserves
Haywood " Mickey" Cunningham
Haywood " Mickey" Cunningham
Class of 1975
Air Force, 4 Years

Weapons Tech
John A. Rodgers
John A. Rodgers
Class of 1973
Marine Corps, 3 Years

Marine Basic Rifleman Expert Rating
Teletype repairman
Rifle Training Coach
Sea Duty Seventh Fleet 34th. M.A.U
Rank L/Cpl- E-3
John A. Rodgers
John A. Rodgers
Class of 1973
Marine Corps, 3 Years

I served as a teletype/ limited crypto repairman, and marksmanship training coach.
Sea duty served with the 34th. M.A.U. Seventh Fleet/FMF. Lant. I was honorably discharged
as a Corporal.
Kendall Dixon
Kendall Dixon
Class of 1971
Air Force, 4 Years

Air Force Firefighter/Rescue Space Shuttle Program
Kendall Dixon
Kendall Dixon
Class of 1971
Air Force, 4 Years

U.S. Air Force Firefighter/Rescue Space Shuttle Program
Kenneth L Freeman
Kenneth L Freeman
Class of 1961
Air Force, 4 Years

USAF Honor Guard
Lamont Davis Gibson
Lamont Davis Gibson
Class of 1964
Air Force, 22 Years

I entered the U.S. Air Force after High School; Served in Vietnam; Retired USAF as a Lt Col; Served in Iraqi and Afghanistan as a civilian; Retired as an executive from the U.S. Federal Government; Volunteer as Post Commander and Chief Finance Officer for a large American Legion Post in Maryland; Served as All State VFW District Commander and All American VFW Post Commander; and Enjoying retirement and helping Veterans.
Lee Benson
Lee Benson
Class of 1971
Army, 3 Years

Stationed in Germany
Lee Benson
Lee Benson
Class of 1971
Army, 3 Years

Served in US Army as Supply Specialist stationed in Germany,
Luther Green
Luther Green
Class of 1991
Navy, 16 Years

Class of 1974
Army, 3 Years

Michael Whitaker
Michael Whitaker
Class of 1990
Marine Corps, 5 Years

Served at MCAS Iwakuni,Japan and MCAS Cherry Point,NC
muriel dunlap tuck
muriel dunlap tuck
Class of 1974
Air Force, 20+ Years

training and education
randall Bergeon
randall Bergeon
Class of 1969
Army, 3 Years

1975-1976 Presidio of Monterey.1976-1978 Handorf Kasern, Germany
Reginald Tolbert
Reginald Tolbert
Class of 1978
Navy, 22 Years

Was assigned to various command from Aircraft command staff to Naval Special Warfare .
Richard E. Mason
Richard E. Mason
Class of 1968
Marine Corps, 10 Years

Aviation fire control radar systems technician.
Infantry combat soldier. Vietnam veteran
Richard Miller (Rick)
Richard Miller (Rick)
Class of 1969
Army, 3 Years

Commando Unit- expert marksmanship several overseas duties
Richard Wilkins
Richard Wilkins
Class of 1980
Army, 20+ Years

Retired after 25 years
RL (Arnold) Jones
RL (Arnold) Jones
Class of 1971
Navy, 3 Years

Served in Vietnam for 1yr.
Foreign Duty 2yrs 15mos 11days
Visited country's and cultures I probably would have never seen.
RL Jones (Arnold)
RL Jones (Arnold)
Class of 1971
Navy, 3 Years

Robert  Funches
Robert Funches
Class of 1969
Air Force, 20+ Years

Still Photo Tech
Robert L. White
Robert L. White
Class of 1972
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Marine Drum and Bugle Corp.
Robert White
Robert White
Class of 1972
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Serving in th Marine Corp was the Best experience I ever had. Still keep in contact with some of my Life long Marines friends.
Ronald Allen Morgan
Ronald Allen Morgan
Class of 1962
Army, 3 Years

Member of the 101 Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Served in the Vietnam War from 1962 to 1965.
William D Jackson Jr
William D Jackson Jr
Class of 1962
Air Force, 20+ Years

Combat Engineer 1968-1971 (US ARMY)
Personnel Specialist 1971-1992 (US AIR FORCE)

Classmates Spotlight

Glenville High School Classmates

Yolanda Marzette
Class of '78

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School News

The Dennis T. Woods Field Dedication

The Dennis T. Woods Field Dedication will be on July 7, 2012 at the former Glenville Recreation Field. The time of the e...
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Our Glenville High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Glenville High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Cleveland are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!