Grace King High School Class Of 1978 35+ Reunion Party!
January 24th, 2015 6:00pm
Southport Live Music & Party Hall
200 Monticello Ave.
, Jefferson
, Louisiana
, 70121
ticket prices
Per Head - $60.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Don’t forget…tonight's our 35+ reunion party!
Dinner, drinks, a concert!!
Any questions,please contact me, Toni Tarto, at 678-386-4487.
We will have a buffet of Louisiana favorites, and a premium open bar.
And Southport has even graciously included a signature green drink for all the Kolleens, so we'll have Appletinis too!
After the reunion, at 10pm, Southport will be having a concert featuring "The Molly Ringwalds", a great '80's band.
All reunion attendees are invited to attend the concert, free!
Bring a spouse, a date, a friend. All are invited.
Cost is $60/person after Jan 17th and at the door.
Make checks payable to Antonia Tarto, and mail to:
GKHS Class of 1978 Reunion, P.O. Box 6207, Jensen Beach, FL 34957.
If using Paypal, cost is $62/person.
Paypal address is
Dress is casual – jeans, nice shirt, that’s about it.
The plan is to have fun and enjoy good food, music, and catching up with old friends.
Also, please send your email addresses to, to be included on our email updates.
Thank you !!
35+ Reunion Organizer
Lori Lacoste '78 said:
How much ? and can you bring a guest
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