Greece Athena High School Alumni
Rochester, New York (NY)
Greece Athena High School - Class of 1985 Alumni, Rochester NY
Join 30 alumni from Greece Athena High School Class of 1985. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Rob Wright
Class of 1985
Sallie Johnston
Class of 1985
Kimberly Langelotti
Class of 1985
Ted Mountain
Class of 1985
Joseph Bianchi
Class of 1985
Doug Brown
Class of 1985
Andrew Mattson
Class of 1985
Mike Champlin
Class of 1985
Dave Iacchetta
Class of 1985
Mary Morreale
Class of 1985
Chrystal Tourville
Class of 1985
Sallie Fisher
Class of 1985
Peter Delucia
Class of 1985
Kelly Havens
Class of 1985
Michele Nobel
Class of 1985
Andrew Hull
Class of 1985
Steven Call
Class of 1985
Michelle Anderson
Class of 1985
Anne-marie Borrelli
Class of 1985
John Barbaro
Class of 1985
James Mcdowell
Class of 1985
Raleigh Sutherland
Class of 1985
Jodee Trice
Class of 1985
Theresa Smith
Class of 1985
Teresa Hale
Class of 1985
Heidi Hoch
Class of 1985
Patty Powers
Class of 1985
Erin Burgess
Class of 1985
Karina Shumanski
Class of 1985
Michelle Smith
Class of 1985
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