Greenwood High School Alumni

Greenwood, Mississippi (MS)

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Tracy Barnett

Greenwood High School
Class of 1969

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→ There are 68 classes, starting with the class of 1935 all the way up to class of 2017.


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Tracy Barnett - Class of 1969 - Greenwood High School
First Name Tracy
Last Name Barnett
Graduation Year Class of 1969
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province TX
Country United States
Occupation Sales
Married Yes
Tracy Barnett - Class of 1969 - Greenwood High School

Class of 1969 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 11 class of 1969 alumni that have joined.

Florence Davis

Florence Davis
Class of 1935

Jane Donis

Jane Donis
Class of 1995

Lynn Beavers

Lynn Beavers
Class of 1976

Kenny Hurt

Kenny Hurt
Class of 1981

Delbert Eugene

Delbert Eugene
Class of 2012

Nick Parnell

Nick Parnell
Class of 2001

Janis Williams

Janis Williams
Class of 1976

Linda Fleming

Linda Fleming
Class of 1985

John Simpson

John Simpson
Class of 1992

Brian Doll

Brian Doll
Class of 1992

Richard Riddle

Richard Riddle
Class of 1982

Gloria Meeks

Gloria Meeks
Class of 1967

Donna Skelton

Donna Skelton
Class of 1979

Sherman Freeman

Sherman Freeman
Class of 1988

Gerald Johnson

Gerald Johnson
Class of 1988

Babette Babette Milam

Babette Babette Milam
Class of 1970

Kim Vance

Kim Vance
Class of 1988

Tony White Jr.

Tony White Jr.
Class of 2008

Richard Edwards

Richard Edwards
Class of 1990

Kathy Killebrew

Kathy Killebrew
Class of 1972

Bethany Blansett

Bethany Blansett
Class of 1997

Lashawaki Williams

Lashawaki Williams
Class of 1996

Jimmy Bazemore

Jimmy Bazemore
Class of 1967

Theodore Turner

Theodore Turner
Class of 1983