GHS Class of '74: It's about time to REUNITE!!
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Grossmont High School Ghs Class Of '74: It's About Time To Reunite!!


August 31st, 2024 5:00pm - 9:00pm


Admiral Baker Resort Clubhouse
2400 Admiral Baker Rd. , San Diego, CA 92120 , California , 92120

Invited Classes


About Event

UPDATED list of all who are coming to our 50th REUNION as of August 17, 2024. TWO WEEKS TO GO:

Margue Adams Piekaar
Robert Anderson
Paul Andreen
Kathleen Bannister Pushnig
Lori Beck Thomas
Bill Becktel
Diane Bench Reese
Bob Bergen
Larry Blackman
Mary Boniface Dressel
Lisa Botte Kleist
Linda Botts Cox
Sharon Baker Bennett
Will (Pete) Brady
Cindy Bratton Best
Dave Burk
Greg Burke
Kim Campbell-Conklin
Kathy Capelo Hofer
Linda Carlisle Dobratsky
Rex Carroll
Beth Chafey Hon
Mitch Chavira
Dani DeMarce Stanton
Debbie Deardorff Andreen
Marcella Dolan Cyr
Daphne Dunican Zay
Paula Eggertsen
Polly Elledge
Angel Farella Hanzal
Ron Fechter
May Filiciotto Plummer
Russ Fochler
Andy Funke
Jacquelyn Gonzales
Marla Grote Bosowski
ValRae Griffin Atkinson
Marla Grote Bosowski
Doug Hafford
Elise Hagen Bradt
Kent Hildebrand
Darlene Isbell Brenha
Tom Janecek
David Jewell
Vicki Jones Pierce
Brian Jordan
Susie Kemp Leahy
Kim Keywan Etherton
Sharon Krenz Sedgewick
Linda Kronenbitter Marso
Vicky Landes Thompson
Terry Lawson Thornspecken
Lyndell Leroy Wood
Marla Lewis McMullen
Susy Lieber
Karen Malloff Zabonik
Debi McKenna Inman
Brad Morrice
Craig Muehleisen
Anne O'Leary Delgado
Ken Peek
Susi Peters Snyder
Debbie Poore Weiner
Chris Prokop
Marilyn Reed Kriebel
Matt Reinhorn
Robin Riley Stafford
Lori Rogatsky Perez
Rene Romero
Tom Rundle
Marion Russo
Tony Salgado
Mark Samuels
Mike Saunders
Peggy Sheely
Bernadette Sick Fargo
Brenda Simpson Williams
Brad Smith
Tom Smith
Toni Spiro Boeh
Susy Stalker Shepard
Dave Stanforth
Ken Stein
Holly Stennett Dewey
Holly Sterling Essegian
Kevin M. Stevens
Denise Strubhar Burk
Tim Thomas
Warren Thomas
Linda Troiano LaRose
Dennis Truesdale
Ray Waldemar
Linda Ward Phillips
Kevin Wilcox
Vicki Johnson Williams
Nancy Wing Hughey
Bryan Wright
Jim Youtsey
Jim Zumwalt

Please call, text, mail or e mail anyone you're hoping to see there, but DON'T SEE HERE!! Love, Susy
Please Venmo or send checks for $100 each to Susy (Stalker) Shepard for tickets. I'm at shepardsranchatyahoodotcom (spelled out so this site doesn't delete it) and my phone number is 6198078478.

GHS Class of '74: It's about time to REUNITE!!
Reunion Committee

Recent Photos

Grossmont High School Alumni PhotoGrossmont High School Alumni PhotoGrossmont High School Alumni PhotoGrossmont High School Alumni Photo

Invited Classmates

Recent Comments

Susy Stalker '74 said:

Please see and post YOUR 50th REUNION photos! Big THANK YOU to Rex Carroll for being the night's photographer!!

Susy Stalker '74 posted a photo:

GHS Class of '74 ~ The time is NOW!!

Susy Stalker '74 said:

Hi Classmates,

One year from our 50th Reunion. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE:
August 31, 2024
Admiral Baker Golf Course and Event Center

Reunion Apparel