Guilford High School Alumni
Rockford, Illinois (IL)
Guilford High School - Class of 1987 Alumni, Rockford IL
Join 84 alumni from Guilford High School Class of 1987. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Michael Obrien
Class of 1987

Andrew Larson
Class of 1987

Evan Lichtenstein
Class of 1987

Jim Hamaker
Class of 1987

Dave Field
Class of 1987

Jody Welte
Class of 1987

Jeannine Ferger
Class of 1987

Scott Wabash
Class of 1987

Charlotte Ervin
Class of 1987

Michael Williams
Class of 1987

John Hassett
Class of 1987

Chad Holmes
Class of 1987

Jill Howe
Class of 1987

Todd Johnsrud
Class of 1987

Bradley Olson
Class of 1987

Chuck Donaldson
Class of 1987

La Marr Merriman
Class of 1987

Scott Costello
Class of 1987

Sarah Patrick
Class of 1987

Jeff Gabe
Class of 1987

Lori Carlson
Class of 1987

Becky Wright
Class of 1987

John Spies
Class of 1987

Brad Nelson
Class of 1987

Andrea Johnson
Class of 1987

Diane Kieckhefer
Class of 1987

Danielle Noble
Class of 1987

Kelley Bryan
Class of 1987

Lisa Jones
Class of 1987

Kelly Pearson
Class of 1987

John Brent
Class of 1987

Jacqueline Bailey
Class of 1987

Ray Schenk
Class of 1987

Christy Miller
Class of 1987

Andrea Votteler
Class of 1987

Paige Wilhelmson
Class of 1987

Mark Bergvall
Class of 1987

Ken Eitenmiller
Class of 1987

Martena (jean) Warren
Class of 1987

Denita Javurek
Class of 1987

Kathy Connors
Class of 1987

Cyndi Marks
Class of 1987

Kirsten Duck
Class of 1987

Karyn Jastram
Class of 1987

Trent Johnson
Class of 1987

Lynn Sisler
Class of 1987

Rob Meier
Class of 1987

James Olson
Class of 1987

Jeffrey Randall
Class of 1987

Ann Mccarville
Class of 1987

Heidi Polcek
Class of 1987

Chad Newsome
Class of 1987

Andrew Picchioni
Class of 1987

Heidi Swenson
Class of 1987

Brad Thorne
Class of 1987

John Emery
Class of 1987

Kelly Guzzardo
Class of 1987

Shawn Williams
Class of 1987

Wendy Cummings
Class of 1987

Mark Nagus
Class of 1987

Chris Stanger
Class of 1987

Sarah Patrick
Class of 1987

Denyse Bayer
Class of 1987

Martena Warren
Class of 1987

Catherine Elizabeth "beth" English
Class of 1987

Debra Sullivan
Class of 1987

Andrea Dorr
Class of 1987

Terisha Tatter
Class of 1987

Susanne Nelson
Class of 1987

Stscey Pounder
Class of 1987

Kerry Longnecker
Class of 1987

Channing Blair
Class of 1987

David Field
Class of 1987

Sara Ellerd
Class of 1987

Diane Kieckhefer
Class of 1987

Michael Granberg
Class of 1987

Eric Reyes
Class of 1987

Amy Anderegg
Class of 1987

Bart Benhoff
Class of 1987

Laurie Hutton
Class of 1987

Chris Buss
Class of 1987

Dean Tropp
Class of 1987

Marcia Goodsell
Class of 1987

Debra Ralston
Class of 1987
Nearby Guilford Classmates
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60 classmates have joined
Class of 1988
83 classmates have joined
Class of 1989
62 classmates have joined