Hamden High School Alumni

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Emma Nathanson (Emma Barnstable)

Hamden High School
Class of 1997

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No photo uploaded
First Name Emma
Last Name Nathanson
Maiden Name Barnstable
Graduation Year Class of 1997
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province NJ
Country United States
Occupation teacher
Married Yes
About Me I taught in NYC for 5 years and NJ for 3 (still there). I have a four year old son with Autism and a 16 month old daughter.
No photo uploaded

Class of 1997 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 22 class of 1997 alumni that have joined.

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Joe Joe Defelice
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Gilda Matteo

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Nancy Nancy Oldham

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Lisa Hill

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Class of 1987

Patricia Amellin

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Class of 1959

Brian Sturdivant

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Melissa D'ambrose

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Sheila Smith

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Diane Peters

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Class of 1982

Priscilla Wollner

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Class of 1962

Joe Dowley

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Class of 1964

John Sathya

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Class of 1981

Jean Curry

Jean Curry
Class of 1990

Perry Mason

Perry Mason
Class of 1972

Renee Cohen

Renee Cohen
Class of 1978

Neil O'connell

Neil O'connell
Class of 1990

Jodi Schneelicht

Jodi Schneelicht
Class of 1988

Donna Vallone

Donna Vallone
Class of 1970

Robert Gould

Robert Gould
Class of 1971

Dave Kolodecik

Dave Kolodecik
Class of 1957

Rachel Helfer

Rachel Helfer
Class of 1973

Jim Smith

Jim Smith
Class of 1972

Michelle Hodges

Michelle Hodges
Class of 1980

Walter Troy

Walter Troy
Class of 1965