Hamden High School Alumni

Hamden, Connecticut (CT)

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Linda Albert (Linda Augur)

Hamden High School
Class of 1963

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→ There are 82 classes, starting with the class of 1936 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Linda
Last Name Albert
Maiden Name Augur
Graduation Year Class of 1963
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province NC
Country United States
Occupation cruise travel agent
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory being a part of the Hamden High twirlers
No photo uploaded

Class of 1963 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 29 class of 1963 alumni that have joined.

George Peterman

George Peterman
Class of 1982

Mark Kittel

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Charlise Crews

Charlise Crews
Class of 2012

Betsey Garner

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Class of 1960

Lisa Miller

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Class of 1977

John Smith

John Smith
Class of 1998

Guy Daniello

Guy Daniello
Class of 1968

Nancy Pasqualoni

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Class of 1974

Mary Taggart

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Class of 1938

James Myers

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Class of 1988

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Class of 1956

Tara Manguilli

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Class of 1993

Larry Moore Larry Moore

Larry Moore Larry Moore
Class of 1976

Trisha Laporte

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Class of 2000

Irving Bradley

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Class of 1938

Patricia Funaro

Patricia Funaro
Class of 1973

Nancy Lynch

Nancy Lynch
Class of 1967

Kirby Erik Detmers

Kirby Erik Detmers
Class of 1978

Cynthia Williams

Cynthia Williams
Class of 1976

William Willis

William Willis
Class of 1961

Kevin Panagrossi

Kevin Panagrossi
Class of 1979

Aquayja Groom

Aquayja Groom
Class of 2011

Stephen Fredericksen

Stephen Fredericksen
Class of 1976

Kathy Jordan

Kathy Jordan
Class of 1964