Hamden High School Alumni

Hamden, Connecticut (CT)

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Sandy Andersen (Sandy Yurczyk)

Hamden High School
Class of 1969

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→ There are 82 classes, starting with the class of 1936 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Sandy
Last Name Andersen
Maiden Name Yurczyk
Graduation Year Class of 1969
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province CT
Country United States
Occupation teacher
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory hanging out with friends
About Me taught, traveled, had (and continue to have) a good time, married a great guy, and raised a great family
No photo uploaded

Class of 1969 Alumni

→ Reunite with 48 class of 1969 alumni that have joined.

Deb Boynton

Deb Boynton
Class of 1976

John Moher

John Moher
Class of 1972

Nancy Weiss

Nancy Weiss
Class of 1966

Kim Norrris

Kim Norrris
Class of 1989

Margie Malatesta

Margie Malatesta
Class of 1962

Peter Shields

Peter Shields
Class of 1976

Michael Whalen

Michael Whalen
Class of 1962

Steve Laguardia

Steve Laguardia
Class of 1994

Bob Concelmo

Bob Concelmo
Class of 1973

Samuel Watts

Samuel Watts
Class of 2004

Dayna Johnson

Dayna Johnson
Class of 1998

Michael Melillo

Michael Melillo
Class of 1988

Michele Klotzer

Michele Klotzer
Class of 1977

Robin Baldetti

Robin Baldetti
Class of 1984

Sharon Dealmo

Sharon Dealmo
Class of 1972

Jeffrey Vanderlip

Jeffrey Vanderlip
Class of 1977

Farris Oliver

Farris Oliver
Class of 1989

Joseph Cubbellotti

Joseph Cubbellotti
Class of 1975

Brian Cox

Brian Cox
Class of 1998

Fred Ladner

Fred Ladner
Class of 1974

La-donna Bigelow

La-donna Bigelow
Class of 1995

Sammy Devon

Sammy Devon
Class of 2010

Ben Butler

Ben Butler
Class of 1994

Bart Casper

Bart Casper
Class of 1980

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