Hamlin High School Alumni
Hayti, South Dakota (SD)
Kelly Pischke (Kelly Bevers)
Hamlin High School
Class of 2000
→ Join 1168 Alumni from Hamlin High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 43 classes, starting with the class of 1940 all the way up to class of 2018.
First Name | Kelly |
Last Name | Pischke |
Maiden Name | Bevers |
Graduation Year | Class of 2000 |
Gender | Female |
City | N/A |
State/Province | SD |
Country | United States |
Occupation | PC/LAN Analyst |
Married | Yes |
Class of 2000 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
Brett Schroeder
Class of 1987
Anna Lakness
Class of 1998
Bob Koistinen
Class of 1982
Greg Lund
Class of 1976
Denise Luken
Class of 1975
Beverly Goeman
Class of 1976
Marilyn Sour
Class of 1982
Matt Matt Gehm
Class of 2001
Tore Thallaug
Class of 1988
Ron Holiday
Class of 1990
Nathan R
Class of 2004
Deni Christopherson
Class of 1989
Marsha Paso
Class of 1991
Rochelle Sour
Class of 1991
Katrina Luken
Class of 1989
Chris Bundy
Class of 2008
Anna Smith
Class of 1977
Brad Zimprich
Class of 1973
Lisa Guthmiller
Class of 2002
Jill Anderson
Class of 1988
Regina Exline
Class of 1992
Eric Holzwarth
Class of 1983
Dondrea Collins
Class of 1986
Alexandria Anderson
Class of 2018