Hartsville High School Alumni

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Al Weatherford Weatherford

Hartsville High School
Class of 1986

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→ There are 72 classes, starting with the class of 1940 all the way up to class of 2022.


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First Name Al Weatherford
Last Name Weatherford
Graduation Year Class of 1986
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province IL
Country United States
Occupation Dentist
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Kelly Town Stadium and those Friday night lights
About Me My profootball career never materialized, Ha Ha! I did finish a BA in Spanish and go to Dental School.
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Class of 1986 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 12 class of 1986 alumni that have joined.

Marcus Johnson

Marcus Johnson
Class of 2000

Mandie Jones

Mandie Jones
Class of 1951

Cardell Striggles

Cardell Striggles
Class of 1983

Candace Corbin

Candace Corbin
Class of 1995

Katherine Jones

Katherine Jones
Class of 1999

Rebecca Timms

Rebecca Timms
Class of 1975

Dawn Atkinson

Dawn Atkinson
Class of 1993

Kathy Kathy Langston

Kathy Kathy Langston
Class of 1969

Hal Oliver

Hal Oliver
Class of 1994

Olivia Watkins

Olivia Watkins
Class of 2001

Susan Huneycutt

Susan Huneycutt
Class of 1975

Lisa Johnson

Lisa Johnson
Class of 1987

Rhonda Rogers

Rhonda Rogers
Class of 1986

Vicky Tyner

Vicky Tyner
Class of 1974

Deloris Alford

Deloris Alford
Class of 1983

Dwayne Mcdaniel

Dwayne Mcdaniel
Class of 2014

Lashema(shema) Slater

Lashema(shema) Slater
Class of 1995

Jacquelynn Jefferson

Jacquelynn Jefferson
Class of 1989

Janie King

Janie King
Class of 1971

Curt Blackmon

Curt Blackmon
Class of 1987

Jaronda Johnson

Jaronda Johnson
Class of 2003

Stephanie Washington

Stephanie Washington
Class of 1996

Beth Billingsley

Beth Billingsley
Class of 1992

Carol Draper

Carol Draper
Class of 1972