Harvey High School Alumni

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Lisa Katila (Lisa Farmer)

Harvey High School
Class of 1976

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Lisa Farmer - Class of 1976 - Harvey High School
First Name Lisa
Last Name Katila
Maiden Name Farmer
Graduation Year Class of 1976
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province OH
Country United States
Occupation Helping families
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Home Economics
About Me After raising my family and searching I have found that I have the potential to helping people. Which lead me to Financial Services,. So now I can help families get out of debt and build for their retirement. Which has many rewards.
Lisa Farmer - Class of 1976 - Harvey High School

Class of 1976 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 18 class of 1976 alumni that have joined.

Ken Smith

Ken Smith
Class of 1961

Bob Schmid

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Class of 1959

Jimmy Pitts

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Class of 1959

Denise Turman

Denise Turman
Class of 1970

Craig Freedman

Craig Freedman
Class of 1973

Robbie Sarosy

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Class of 1967

James Garner

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Class of 1980

Carol Rigo

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Class of 1965

Michael Cawley

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Class of 1973

F. Aaron Ford

F. Aaron Ford
Class of 1977

Dennis Mccarthy

Dennis Mccarthy
Class of 1979

Patricia Pirsil

Patricia Pirsil
Class of 1963

Bonita Messina

Bonita Messina
Class of 1969

Becky Lampela

Becky Lampela
Class of 1966

Donald Tharrett

Donald Tharrett
Class of 1963

Cheryl Ray

Cheryl Ray
Class of 1966

Steven Szerdy

Steven Szerdy
Class of 1969

Jim Cullen

Jim Cullen
Class of 1966

Jessica Akins

Jessica Akins
Class of 2003

Mike Dense

Mike Dense
Class of 1973

Allan Ambrochowicz

Allan Ambrochowicz
Class of 1984

David Grayson

David Grayson
Class of 1959

Roy Kisseberth

Roy Kisseberth
Class of 1965

Charles polutro

Charles polutro
Class of 1952