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Albert Cooley

Heights High School
Class of 1972

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Albert Cooley - Class of 1972 - Heights High School
First Name Albert
Last Name Cooley
Graduation Year Class of 1972
Gender Male
Current Location The Moon
About Me REUNION HELLO (July 31st 2017) It’s astonishing that looking at your reunion photo from 2012 (yours, not mine, because I’ve never been to one) caused my eyes to water with real love for all of you even though I didn’t really know many people very well in high school despite my having walked in many circles of friends. That reticence and aloofness (not at all me) was due to a near-death experience (NDE) in my early junior year at Heights. Albert has some really big secrets, huh? It’s now several days since that tearing up occurred (it doesn’t happen very often to me any more and is, in fact, measured in years between them), and I’ve reflected on why it happened. I don’t think this is rocket science, either. It has simply never occurred to me before . . . not that I can recall and certainly not so clearly, easily and fully if it had. We begin to unlock the secrets of maturity in high school after beginning it in junior high (now middle school), and it comes in many forms: physical maturity, emotional maturity, intellectual maturity, sexual maturity, political maturity, financial maturity and probably many others. It takes a long time for these things to develop in us and fundamentally never really ends but definitely begins in high school due to the extreme freedoms we suddenly gain with mister automobile. I mostly only share this major life experience with you people and therefore rather seriously love you all.   I hope it moves the babes that I mostly only remember the pretty girls of high school. Nobody at Heights knew this, but I’d learned in junior high at Coleman (Babe Land!) to avoid taking on girlfriends in the same school if I wanted to keep my friends. When I got a car and license in my junior year at Heights, that became possible. Me and my best friend, Brad Peter, would thus regularly (1) take off for other high schools during lunch to look for pretty girls to kiss and would (2) go to the away games of football but walk in on the home-team side to flirt with the cheerleaders = drool! I now think I probably should have kissed a bunch of pretty girls at Heights. Go figure when and why guys cease being dumb, huh? I don’t remember anybody ever talking about it, but the Vietnam War weighed heavily on my thoughts throughout high school. I literally didn’t think I had a future, but only my girlfriends at other high schools knew this. Becoming politically aware is one of the difficult things we just begin in high school, so I wasn’t really ready for being number 37 in the military Draft Lottery in late 1972 (born on Nov. 4th 1954). I was thus headed for Canada but nonetheless sweated it out because noise was constantly being heard about them ending the Draft. I skated on Vietnam and leaving my family, friends and country behind by something like 93 days because they ended it on January 27th 1973. I finally started breathing again because I was truly scared. So, Albert became a Hahnemannian homeopathic physician (that means the real thing . . . literally, “in or after the manner of Hahnemann” . . . of which there have been less than 100 of us in the 227 years of homeopathy) at age 36 in 1991, 12 years after discovering it in late 1978. Unfortunately, despite having cured both diseases in others, I haven’t been able to find my own remedy in the 3½ years that I’ve had two deadly chronic diseases with a 3-5-year life expectancy. That could still change, but it doesn’t look like I will see any of you at the 50th Reunion. Such is life, huh? Fortunately, I learned in my NDE that we don’t really die; only our physical bodies do. This doesn’t look like it will change, though, so I look forward to again seeing all of you beautiful and brilliant people. The rest is a long story. I love you all! ============ July 21st 2017 I see some thoughtful and kindly messages were written to me, but I cannot see them, just their beginnings. Therefore, please resend those to my email link here: http://heightsclassof72.myevent.com/3/registration.htm....(read more)
Albert Cooley - Class of 1972 - Heights High School

Class of 1972 Alumni

→ Reunite with 115 class of 1972 alumni that have joined.

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Ginger Lewis

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Gregory Trent

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Class of 1972

Jason Ballard

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Ron Sangals

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Class of 1972

Carol Otis

Carol Otis
Class of 2011

Jennifer Huffman

Jennifer Huffman
Class of 2006

Brian Harber

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Vanessa Glancy

Vanessa Glancy
Class of 1983

Carl Kendrick

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Class of 1986

Brett Self

Brett Self
Class of 2004

Keri Officer

Keri Officer
Class of 2005

Carlos Latorre

Carlos Latorre
Class of 1989

Kelli Firner

Kelli Firner
Class of 2002

Tim Fox

Tim Fox
Class of 1983

Vincent Gibbbons

Vincent Gibbbons
Class of 1978

Tenia Green

Tenia Green
Class of 2002

C. Milton Poling

C. Milton Poling
Class of 1965

James Killingsworth Sr.

James Killingsworth Sr.
Class of 1988

Melissa Mosher

Melissa Mosher
Class of 2001

Recent Class of 1972 Reunions

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SEPTEMBER 10TH REGISTRATION DEADLINE for Heights Class of '72 50th Reunion!

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Date: Sep 16, 2022

Description: Friday evening through Sunday morning: Meet and Greet, Tour of Heights (lunch following), Tour of Classic Cars, Dinner a...(read more)

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Date: Sep 29, 2018

Description: REGISTRATION and INFO: https://1978heightsreunion.com/ September 28 & 29, 2018 Friday: Homecoming Game (informal - o...(read more)

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Class of 1972 45th Year Reunion

Invited Classes: 1972

Date: Jul 14, 2017

Description: Activities planned all weekend! Come casual, plan to hang out with friends. Go to http://heightsclassof72.myevent.com/ f...(read more)

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40 Year Class Reunion

Invited Classes: 1972

Date: Oct 26, 2012

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Wednesday Deadline!

Invited Classes: 1972

Date: Oct 26, 2012

Description: Look who’s coming! James Allan, Shelley Allphin, Sheree (Anderson) Chaplin, Pamela (Bates) Pendleton, Janet (Bradl...(read more)

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