Herbert Hoover High School Alumni
San Diego, California (CA)
Herbert Hoover High School - Class of 1953 Alumni, San Diego CA
Join 9 alumni from Herbert Hoover High School Class of 1953. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Jacqueline Niles
Class of 1953
Steve Moore
Class of 1953
Grover (sam) Telleson
Class of 1953
Olin Kirkland
Class of 1953
Janice Donehower
Class of 1953
Jacqueline Niles
Class of 1953
Marianne Benjamin
Class of 1953
Roy Brewton
Class of 1953
Lowell Edmonson
Class of 1953
Nearby Herbert Hoover Classmates
Class of 1951
10 classmates have joined
Class of 1952
9 classmates have joined
Class of 1954
19 classmates have joined
Class of 1955
19 classmates have joined