Herbert Hoover High School Class Of 1965-50th Reunion
September 18th, 2015 6:30pm
(ending September 19th, 2015 10:00pm)
9/18-The Marina Village-The Marine Room
9/19-Marina Village complex-"Seaside Room"
, San Diego
, California
, 92109
ticket prices
Current price by 8/15/2015 - $115.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Friday, 9/18: Mix & Mingle-The Marina Village Complex-The Marine Room- 1936 Quivira Way-in Mission Bay-, San Diego 92109-
Have the urge to swing a golf club?- email: btrent2@outlook.com
Saturday,9/19: Dinner & Party-"The Seaside Room" of Ranch Events-in the Marina Village complex-1935 Quivira Way, -Mission Bay-San Diego 92109
Current price point is: $130.00 per person, from August 16th
to at-the-door.
AT-THE-DOOR (if cash, please exact amt, if possible)
If mailing payment: Lil' Baehr, 10431 Nate Way, Santee, CA 92071. Please post to arrive before 9/10/2015. Sorry, there are no refunds, at this time.
**No Discount is available for attending only one evening event**
You haven't received a personal email announcement-we don't have your email info! Please send to Lil' Baehr: lilbaehr@gmail.com
Currently 150 of your former classmates are attending, with a total guest list of 230 and still climbing!
In touch with other grads, please be sure to tell them about our milestone-50th reunion and have them send contact info.
Your reunion committee has been working very hard to create a reunion filled with vintage 1965 ambiance, California cuisine, period music, iconic symbols of Hoover High School and of course, grads from the greatest class Hoover ever had- The class of '65!
Recommended Hotels
Special room rate at The Dana has expired. Limited booking availability at this time, Call David Drummond: 225-2152 to check for vacancies.
Lil' Baehr '65 said:
Don't miss out on our Class of '65- 50th Reunion. The reunion committee has had their noses to the grindstone, planning a fabulous 2-evening event filled with fun, nostalgia and memories. Please see the reunion details and get in touch soon!
Report a ProblemLil' Baehr '65 said:
A big shout out to all Class of '65 Cardinals!
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