Hermitage High School Alumni

Richmond, Virginia (VA)

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Debbie Defreitas (Debbie Chiocca)

Hermitage High School
Class of 1971

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→ There are 74 classes, starting with the class of 1941 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Debbie
Last Name Defreitas
Maiden Name Chiocca
Graduation Year Class of 1971
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province CA
Country United States
Occupation Retired
Married Yes
About Me Enjoyed a 30 year career as a dental hygienist. Retired in 2006. Sailing and sailboat racing are my primary hobbies. Spent 6 months sailing in Mexico in 2007
No photo uploaded

Class of 1971 Alumni

→ Reunite with 49 class of 1971 alumni that have joined.

Candace Carlson

Candace Carlson
Class of 2001

Randy Grubb

Randy Grubb
Class of 1983

Tina Kennon

Tina Kennon
Class of 1984

Tannis Harris

Tannis Harris
Class of 2011

Erica Modeste

Erica Modeste
Class of 2011

Amy Griffin

Amy Griffin
Class of 1988

Susan Carter

Susan Carter
Class of 1981

Noelia Ferrufino

Noelia Ferrufino
Class of 2016

Lana Eisbacher

Lana Eisbacher
Class of 1963

Jamal Jamal

Jamal Jamal
Class of 2005

Matthew Wilhelm

Matthew Wilhelm
Class of 1995

Cynthia Matzganis

Cynthia Matzganis
Class of 2004

Melissa Anderson

Melissa Anderson
Class of 1999

Kameron Epperson

Kameron Epperson
Class of 2011

Dennis Marks

Dennis Marks
Class of 1975

Thomas Hughes

Thomas Hughes
Class of 1982

Pam Spicer Maxwell

Pam Spicer Maxwell
Class of 1986

Andrew Hancock

Andrew Hancock
Class of 2005

Kevin Williams

Kevin Williams
Class of 1988

Teddy Holliday

Teddy Holliday
Class of 1969

Cassandra Boykin

Cassandra Boykin
Class of 1987

Brian Chilton

Brian Chilton
Class of 1998

Stuart Mellish

Stuart Mellish
Class of 1976

Catherine Walker

Catherine Walker
Class of 1974