Hiawatha High School Alumni

Hiawatha, Kansas (KS)

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Mike Miner

Hiawatha High School
Class of 1977

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First Name Mike
Last Name Miner
Graduation Year Class of 1977
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province KS
Country United States
Occupation Plumbing & Electrical/Self Employed
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory I don't know about favorite memory, but the one that stands out is when Tom Williams and I were going into typing class and we knocked over a desk with a typewriter on it. It flew into about what seemed like a hundred pieces. We set the desk up and I put the typewriter on it and Tom grabs the carriage and starts slamming it down on top of it trying to get it back into place. Mr Pennel told us we would have to pay for it and when the repair man came we sat in class stairing at him worried if he could fix it or not. He got it fixed and Mr. Pennel decided to work it out of us instead of paying for it. Just one of the ...(read more)
About Me I had several jobs after high school from farming to construction. I joined the National Guard in 1978 and then went into the Navy in 1980. I was stationed on both coasts over the years and even spen 18 months in Scotland. I spent two years on a nuclear powered submarine out of Charleston South Carolina. I got out of the Navy and moved back to Hiawatha in 1989 and went to work with my father in a plumbing and electrical buisness. He retired in 1999 and I ran it for another two years before I took a job with Flenties in Sabetha working in the parts department. As of 2009 I'm back on my ...(read more)
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Recent Class of 1977 Reunions

Plan a Class of 1977 Reunion for Free

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Invited Classes: All Classes

Date: May 25, 2018

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