Highland Park High School Alumni
Highland Park, Illinois (IL)
Cindy Goldstein (Cindy Gould)
Highland Park High School
Class of 1986
→ Join 3876 Alumni from Highland Park High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 77 classes, starting with the class of 1925 all the way up to class of 2022.
Class of 1986 Alumni
→ Reunite with 85 class of 1986 alumni that have joined.
Leilah Firstman
Class of 1988
Robert Gross
Class of 1967
Dw Schaefer
Class of 1984
David Chestnut
Class of 1984
Phil Garcia
Class of 1995
John Henion
Class of 1974
Marla Siegel
Class of 1986
Mike Martin
Class of 1981
Juan Cuarenta
Class of 2002
Kaitlyn Matthews
Class of 1993
Donna Grey
Class of 1976
Ruth Larner
Class of 1970
Susan Bloomgarden
Class of 1984
Diane Ditomassi
Class of 1977
Katharine/katie Thomas
Class of 1961
Lee Davis
Class of 1954
Lauren Lauren Helfand
Class of 1978
Sarah(Sally) Durment
Class of 1966
Mark Holniker
Class of 1970
Dorrie Gilden
Class of 1961
Mary Rosenbloom
Class of 1991
Michael Heller
Class of 1998
Rich Goldberg
Class of 1990
Geraltinajusha Moore
Class of 1991
Recent Class of 1986 Reunions
Plan a Class of 1986 Reunion for Free
HPHS class of 1986 30th Reunion
Invited Classes: 1986
Date: Nov 26, 2016
Description: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/hphs-class-of-1986-30th-reunion-tickets-19968880459?aff=ehomesaved