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Hillcrest High School 30 Year Reunion


September 25th, 2010


Marriott Hotel, downtown Salt Lake City. - The hotel is giving us a rate of $99 for a room, if anyone would like to stay the night at the hotel. - Marriott address is 220 So State St. - Please make check out to Steve Erickson. You can take your check to

Invited Classes


About Event

We are also inviting everyone to join us on Friday, September 24 for the Homecoming game. All family members are invited, as well. We are then considering having a little get together after the game, we're just not sure yet where it will be.

30 year reunion
Reunion Committee

Marlett Mckinney '80

Marlett Mckinney '80

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel