Hillsboro High School Alumni

Hillsboro, Oregon (OR)

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Danette Kirkman (Danette Nelson)

Hillsboro High School
Class of 1976

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→ There are 82 classes, starting with the class of 1927 all the way up to class of 2022.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Danette
Last Name Kirkman
Maiden Name Nelson
Graduation Year Class of 1976
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province OR
Country United States
Occupation RN
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory band trips
No photo uploaded

Class of 1976 Alumni

→ Reunite with 32 class of 1976 alumni that have joined.

Tracy Henry

Tracy Henry
Class of 1992

Carol Campbell

Carol Campbell
Class of 1979

Jennifer Tucker

Jennifer Tucker
Class of 1988

Ron Harty

Ron Harty
Class of 1975

Paul Paul Roberg

Paul Paul Roberg
Class of 1982

Kathy Jarrell

Kathy Jarrell
Class of 1970

Ann Marie Molek

Ann Marie Molek
Class of 1949

Kent Scheminske

Kent Scheminske
Class of 1975

Christa Shefchek

Christa Shefchek
Class of 2000

Jay Bee

Jay Bee
Class of 1989

Bernhard Steim

Bernhard Steim
Class of 1970

Gary Westcott

Gary Westcott
Class of 1983

Deborah Beevor

Deborah Beevor
Class of 1970

Jaime Parsons

Jaime Parsons
Class of 1994

Julie Lavell

Julie Lavell
Class of 1983

Karyn Lakanen

Karyn Lakanen
Class of 1983

Larry Oliver

Larry Oliver
Class of 1982

Lori Kempema

Lori Kempema
Class of 1981

Teresa Irvine

Teresa Irvine
Class of 1981

Cathy Thomas

Cathy Thomas
Class of 1969

Robert Weverka

Robert Weverka
Class of 1963

Donna Reis Wilbanks

Donna Reis Wilbanks
Class of 1973

Alvin Baker

Alvin Baker
Class of 1978

Rob Sutphin

Rob Sutphin
Class of 1974