Hillsboro High School Alumni

Hillsboro, Oregon (OR)

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Michael Ewers

Hillsboro High School
Class of 1975

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Michael Ewers - Class of 1975 - Hillsboro High School
First Name Michael
Last Name Ewers
Graduation Year Class of 1975
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province OR
Country United States
Occupation Truck Driver
Married Yes
About Me Volunteer Firefighter currently a Battalion Chief/EMT with the Cornelius Fire Department. I worked as a paid firefighter in northeast Oregon and left as the Chief of Operations in 2000. I currently work for Waste Management (Washington ...(read more)
Michael Ewers - Class of 1975 - Hillsboro High School

Class of 1975 Alumni

→ Reunite with 60 class of 1975 alumni that have joined.

Julie Lavell

Julie Lavell
Class of 1983

Lisa Hoyt

Lisa Hoyt
Class of 1988

Jim Fink

Jim Fink
Class of 1970

Tiffini Klepak

Tiffini Klepak
Class of 1986

Dennis Jones

Dennis Jones
Class of 1977

Steven Steven H Hughes

Steven Steven H Hughes
Class of 1961

Sue Glanz

Sue Glanz
Class of 1974

Joni Jackson

Joni Jackson
Class of 1980

Susan Cox

Susan Cox
Class of 1978

David Kempas

David Kempas
Class of 1974

Gary Stolarzyk

Gary Stolarzyk
Class of 1980

Gary Pursley

Gary Pursley
Class of 1974

Kimberly Henry

Kimberly Henry
Class of 1988

Kathleen LaFollett

Kathleen LaFollett
Class of 1970

Darlene Croeni

Darlene Croeni
Class of 1965

Elise Catanese

Elise Catanese
Class of 1984

Susan Weeks

Susan Weeks
Class of 1959

Joy Kruesi

Joy Kruesi
Class of 1972

John P Amrein

John P Amrein
Class of 1970

Daniel Witt

Daniel Witt
Class of 1975

Maribel Cerna

Maribel Cerna
Class of 1994

Micah Jones

Micah Jones
Class of 2004

Tiffanie Prince

Tiffanie Prince
Class of 1999

Bob Johnson

Bob Johnson
Class of 1998