Hogan High School Alumni

Vallejo, California (CA)

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Kim Gentry (Kim Layson)

Hogan High School
Class of 1991

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→ There are 57 classes, starting with the class of 1947 all the way up to class of 2015.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Kim
Last Name Gentry
Maiden Name Layson
Graduation Year Class of 1991
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province AZ
Country United States
Occupation residential care provider
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory prom
About Me i have 3 wonderful boys, and i work with people with special needs
No photo uploaded

Class of 1991 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 16 class of 1991 alumni that have joined.

Monica Lewis

Monica Lewis
Class of 1982

Kenneth Browning

Kenneth Browning
Class of 1994

Mary Wright

Mary Wright
Class of 1967

Lisa Reiter

Lisa Reiter
Class of 1964

Rachelle Raymer

Rachelle Raymer
Class of 1991

Jessica Smith

Jessica Smith
Class of 2002

Brad Robinson

Brad Robinson
Class of 1994

Jeff Stoudt

Jeff Stoudt
Class of 1992

Jennifer Greenspane

Jennifer Greenspane
Class of 1995

Johnny Mack

Johnny Mack
Class of 1971

Jessica Wright

Jessica Wright
Class of 2003

Mara Leach

Mara Leach
Class of 1974

Kamie Boyd

Kamie Boyd
Class of 1999

Tina Mohr

Tina Mohr
Class of 1982


Clifton "paul" Newton
Class of 1964

Jamie Harp

Jamie Harp
Class of 1987

Samuel Burns

Samuel Burns
Class of 1996

Andre Ward

Andre Ward
Class of 2007

Kris Cochran

Kris Cochran
Class of 1977

Elaine Cooper

Elaine Cooper
Class of 2004

Shauna Varner

Shauna Varner
Class of 1985

Bill Ayers

Bill Ayers
Class of 1971

Juan Valdez

Juan Valdez
Class of 1983

Jennifer Custis

Jennifer Custis
Class of 1993