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Holton, Kansas (KS)

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Lost & Found Holton High School Class Rings

Class rings are the mark of school pride and accomplishments. If you have lost or found a fellow alumni class ring post the information here. If you lost a ring, describe it and include a contact email address. If you found a class ring describe it, post where you found it and include your email address. Your email address will not be made visible on the site. We will use it to contact you if need be.

Please contact us if you have information about any of the posts below:
My 1969 HHS class ring was stolen about 5 years ago. It is yellow gold with a smooth blue stone. If anybody happens to come across it, please contact me. Thanks.

posted September 15th, 2018
Holton High School, Class of 77. Men's Yellow Gold, Blue Stone. Wildcat and possibly Football on sides. Not really sure anymore. email me at gbohannon@earthlink.net

posted March 18th, 2015
Class of 1975, wildcat on the side/blue stone with initials inside of band -either j g j or j j. Email me at judywich@sbcglobal.net

posted August 25th, 2014
Lost 10 k white gold girls ring. year 1983 blue stone holton high school . Contact me at. mm_66436@yahoo.com. thanks if you can help

posted July 23rd, 2014
The ring I found was claimed by the owner some months back but just had post this because it make me feel so good to know that she had her ring back after all these years.

posted October 30th, 2013
Found a ring some time ago and I can not remember where since we travel a lot. The ring has a blue stone with a cross in the middle with the name Hilton High and a picture of a Wildcat. The year is 1982. I can make out part of the inscription. Ron S. Kolb----- something. You can contact me at: hagenbach59@aol.com

posted September 13th, 2012
I found a ring a while back in Meriden at the Jefferson West High parking lot. It is a girl's class ring with a blue topaz (light blue) stone. The graduating year on it is 1982 and has cheerleading on one side and the wildcat on the other side. It is a Josten's 10K white gold and has the initials L.K.P on the inside. You can contact me at juliewright@embarqmail.com

posted February 18th, 2009
I found a class ring with Holton wildcat on front year 1979, pink stone, Josten 10k white gold. I live in Midwest City, Oklahoma and found the ring in the bottom of a floor furnace which we was removing from the house we bought in 1990. I could not find a Holton highschool in Oklahoma so maybe this is the right school. you can email me at suemac632000@yahoo.com

posted September 23rd, 2008
found class ring in parking lot in Mexico, Mo. Date on ring is 1975. Has blue stone and a picture of what looks to be a cat or tiger. there is a set of initials on inside of ring. I asume this is the correct high school. It is the only one that came up in web search. contact @ tlschulte@sbcglobal.net

posted April 16th, 2008

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Amanda Slater
Class of '03

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Please donate to the Alumni Scholarship fund in Memory of Lyle & Wilma Welch

It’s not often a teacher has the opportunity to teach at the same High School three different times, but that is e...
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